
Advocacy Alert: California’s DHCS Announces Opening of Applications for BCHIP Round 1

August 15, 2024


The Department of Health Care Services (DHCS) announced on July 30, 2024, the opening of applications for the Bond Behavioral Health Continuum Infrastructure Program (BCHIP) Round 1. This new funding opportunity originating from the passage of Prop 1 aims to enhance behavioral health services and support systems within our communities with up to $3.3 billion of grant funding.

For the first time, in this new round of funding, wrap-around services are eligible entities for this funding. As this funding arises from Proposition 1, do apply again even if you did not receive funds in prior rounds of the initial BCHIP grant. We strongly encourage housing supports, including recovery residences, to apply and seize this chance to build and expand essential recovery infrastructure.

Interested parties can find the application and more details on eligibility and the application process here. The application deadline is December 13, 2024, at 5:00 PM PT.

Don't miss this chance to contribute to the well-being of our recovery community.

For more information, visit DHCS's BCHIP website or email [email protected].

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