Membership provides confidence that providers are informed about compliance with changing legal regulations and industry best practices while reinforcing provider reputation within a network of ethical business practitioners.

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We know that running an addiction treatment facility can be incredibly complex, time-intensive, and, quite often, unpredictable. Compliance requirements add a layer of complexity onto an already complicated endeavor, particularly while the industry is in an unprecedented state of flux. You might wonder how you can keep up with of all the changes, never mind understand how they affect you.
Our job is to give our members what they really need in this industry. We do what our members don’t have the time or the resources to do alone: the heavy lifting of staying on top of rules, regulations, and responsibilities in the ever-changing landscape of addiction treatment and sober living. We give you the tools you need to stay compliant.
We also pride ourselves in offering a wide variety of membership benefits, from access to compliance information, discounted (and sometimes even free) CE-based webinars, and more.
Because you can’t stay open if you don’t stay compliant.
What is Compliance?
In general, compliance means conforming to a rule, such as a specification, policy, standard or law. Regulatory compliance describes the goal that organizations aspire to achieve in their efforts to ensure that they are aware of and take steps to comply with relevant laws and regulations.
Staying compliant isn’t something you do once and are done with. In this industry, it’s something that must be repeatedly demonstrated as long as you keep your doors open.
Due in part to the recent backlash against industry growth, new obstacles are constantly emerging, from payer audits and investigations to new NIMBY ("Not in My Back Yard!") ordinances. Sober living houses, residential treatment facilities, and outpatient programs are under more scrutiny than ever.

Regardless of how well-run and compliant a program currently is, there's a high likelihood of encounters with federal, state, and municipal government authorities, especially since rules and regulations are subject to change. Which means staying compliant is more challenging and of-the-moment than ever.
NBHAP prides itself on being one of the first organizations to offer national legal, regulatory, and compliance resources in the area of addiction treatment. Our aim is to take the current fragmented regulatory landscape and de-mystify it for our members. Our members benefit from simple, effective and relevant resources that keep them focused on what matters most, the health and well-being of their clients.
Membership Levels
Membership: Peer Recovery ($50 annually)
Membership: Individual ($100 annually)
Membership: Attorney ($500 annually)
Membership: Unregulated Provider ($425 annually)
Membership: Regulated Provider ($825 annually)
Membership: Educational Organization ($2,500 annually)
Membership: Associate ($5,000 annually)
Membership: Premiere Partner ($10,000 annually)
A national membership association that provides education and advocacy for those in the behavioral health and addiction treatment industries.
We are the leading and unifying voice of addiction-focused treatment programs.