
Advocacy Alert: Illinois Substance Use Disorder Act

May 3, 2018

Illinois is considering important amendments to the state's current "Alcoholism and Other Drug Abuse and Dependency Act." The Illinois State Legislature is in the final stages of approving bills to change the state law to the "Substance Use Disorder Act," and make other needed updates to the laws concerning the prevention and treatment of substance use disorders.

Among the proposed changes are updates to the language of the state statutes to reflect modern terminology for substance use disorders and provisions that would empower the Department of Human Services to take proactive actions to reduce the incidence of substance use disorders and to design and fund accessible early intervention, treatment, and other recovery support services. The Act, once passed by the state Senate and signed by the governor, would go into effect January 1, 2019.

The Behavioral Health Association of Providers supports legislation like Illinois House Bill 4795 / Senate Bill 2834 that will update the language used to discuss substance use disorders and provide more services that address both prevention and treatment of these disorders.

To show your support for the Illinois legislation, BHAP encourages you to contact Senator Dave Syverson and Governor Bruce Rauner, and let them know that you support the efforts to modernize the laws on substance use disorders and to provide more resources for treatment and prevention.

A reminder that BHAP members have access to Illinois FAQs with summaries of State Laws and Regulations.


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