
Advocacy Alert: Make Your Voice Heard in 2024: Recovery Voices Count

October 31, 2024

One of the most important rights American citizens possess is the right to vote. The 2024 election is just around the corner, and we at NBHAP want to remind you to make sure you are informed and registered to vote.

The recovery community is just as impacted by the election of officials and the passing or rejection of ballot initiatives. Make sure you do your research to make sure to support positive measures for people who are dealing with addiction and mental health issues.

As Faces & Voices of Recovery state, "it is our collective job as voters to help political candidates understand what's at stake. As such, it is imperative that our community registers to vote and votes when the time comes."

We encourage you to confirm your voter registration is updated and recommend you vote with recovery in mind.

Vote Recovery is an initiative created by the Recovery Advocacy Project (RAP). RAP is working to build a visible and effective constituency to demand community and public policy-based solutions in response to America's long-standing addiction crisis. They also have an Election Wellness Toolkit to protect your mental health.

We also recommend visiting Faces & Voices of Recovery's Policy and Advocacy Initiatives. They also offer a Recovery Voices Count toolkit.

Questions? Concerns?

As always, we want your input. What topics would you like to see us cover in future Advocacy Alerts? If you are a representative of a state association and have something for us to consider for an Advocacy Alert, let us know!

Did you know NBHAP members get regular access to our advocate in Washington, DC? If you have any questions about NBHAP's advocacy efforts, please contact us.


A national membership association that provides education and advocacy for those in the behavioral health and addiction treatment industries.

We are the leading and unifying voice of addiction-focused treatment programs.

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