
Advocacy Alert: CCAPP Celebrates a Milestone in Legislation Towards Parity for SUD

June 27, 2024


CCAPP, proud co-sponsor of SB 999, announced on June 12, 2024, the bill's successful passage in the Assembly Health Committee. Building upon the efforts of SB 855 (Weiner), the bill's progress marks a major milestone in ongoing efforts toward parity in the healthcare system. SB 999 will require that utilization reviewers in the insurance process have “like” credentials and experience, effectively curbing bias in the utilization review process.

"We are thrilled with the committee's overwhelming support for the bill. The committee's 14 to 1 vote reflects a shared commitment towards health equity and access," said Pete Nielsen, CCAPP President, and CEO, "We hope that as we continue to build solid relationships with policy leaders in this area, we can work together to achieve health parity for those struggling with SUD."

The bill is set to go to Assembly Appropriations next. However, with attached costs of $4 million annually the bill may experience some challenges given the dismal status of the state budget. Nielsen acknowledged these concerns. "While we celebrate this victory, we are fully aware of the fiscal hurdles that lie ahead. As this bill advances, we continue to engage with policymakers and leaders to communicate the need for such action, even given the price tag," said Nielsen.

CCAPP remains committed to advocating for SB 999 as the bill advances, for more information about SB 999, visit the CCAPP advocacy page.

CCAPP is an Associate Member of NBHAP. They are the largest statewide consortium of community-based for-profit and nonprofit substance use disorder treatment agencies, and addiction focused professionals, providing services to over a 100,000 California residents annually in residential, outpatient, and private practice settings.

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