Feb 14, 2019 | Florida, Legal Reference Repository
Subject Matter: False claims Jurisdiction: Florida Citations: Tit. 6 Fl. Stat. § 68.081 et seq. Summary: State law, similar to the federal False Claims Act, which prevents individuals and companies from defrauding the state (including its healthcare programs and its...
Jan 29, 2019 | California, Legal Reference Repository
Subject Matter: False claims Jurisdiction: California Citations: Cal. Insurance Code § 1871.7 Summary: California law authorizing qui tam actions in which individuals and private insurance companies can bring suit on behalf of the State of California for alleged...
Jan 29, 2019 | California, Legal Reference Repository
Subject Matter: False claims Jurisdiction: California Citations: ACal. Gov. Code § 12650 et seq. Summary: California state law, similar to the federal False Claims Act, which prevents individuals and companies from defrauding state government programs (including...
Dec 7, 2018 | Federal, Legal Reference Repository
Subject Matter: False claims Jurisdiction: Federal Citations: 31 U.S. Code § 3729 et seq. Summary: Federal law, also known by its acronym FCA, which prevents individuals and companies from defrauding federal government programs (including Medicare and Medicaid), and...