
Webinar: The Devastating Impact of ACEs

a child in a public place sitting on a bus stop bench. Text reads 'Webinar: The Devastating Impact of ACEs'
  • Date Recorded: November 1, 2023
  • Length: about 1 hour
  • Presenter: Dr. Gregory Williams
  • CE: eligible for 1 CE
  • Price: $50.00 (Members get webinar for free)
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This webinar will be a life-changing training that will take the listener on a journey to exactly what trauma, toxic stress, and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) does to a person over time.

The presentation will go into depth on the research that has been done in the past years and the cutting-edge research that is currently being done. The speaker will briefly explain the importance of dealing with the past experiences in such a way that the present and future has the best potential for positive growth and success.

The presentation will also show the research of how the impact of toxic stress affects the development of the brain in children, the different physical and emotional effects on adults and how to best handle past traumas. Another interesting part of the presentation will be the research on how to best build resilience in children and adults to help overcome that trauma.

The presentation will also include the impact that the ACEs have on the health and mental well-being on adults later in life. The session will also place an importance on what is currently happening in the world today, in which the presenter calls, “The Perfect Storm” of stress and anxiety. This is vitally important to understand that developing a trauma-informed mindset is critical to help others deal with a world filled with stress. This will open up an understanding for the need for equity and understanding in quality care and treatment for all communities.


Soberlink: Improving Lives

Soberlink is one of BHAP's Associate Members. They support accountability for sobriety and long-term recovery, helping clients rebuild trust with others through a real-time alcohol monitoring system with facial recognition and comprehensive reports.



Dr. Gregory Williams

Dr. Gregory Williams

Dr. Gregory Williams is on the senior leadership team at Baylor College of Medicine located in Houston, Texas. He has a PhD in counseling and is a well-known speaker/teacher. He is the author of Shattered by the Darkness: Putting the Pieces Back Together after Child Abuse.

He travels the country speaking to thousands of people on child abuse, the aftermaths of abuse, and the importance of the Adverse Childhood Experiences. He has a live radio program each Sunday evening called Breaking the Silence with Dr. Gregory Williams that is heard by over 1.6 million listeners each week.

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Webinar: The Devastating Impact of ACEs
Developing a trauma-informed mindset is critical to help others deal with a world filled with stress. In this webinar, you will get an in-depth look at toxic stress and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) and the research that has been done. The research will show the impact of toxic stress on the development of the brain in children and how to build resilience in children to help overcome that trauma.
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