
Advocacy Alert: Arizona House Bills: Dual Diagnosis and Regulation of the Behavioral Health Board

July 5, 2018

Arizona! There are a couple of bills making their way through the House that are of interest of you. A reminder that all BHAP members get comprehensive information on the current laws governing treatment programs and sober living facilities in Arizona. You can get a sample of what's available on our Frequently Asked Questions for the state.

Arizona HB 2251: Serious Mental Illness; Dual Diagnosis

On January 16, 2018, Representative Heather Carter introduced HB 2251. This bill, if passed, will amend Chapter 36, article 3408 of Arizona Statues. This will include eligibility for behavioral health services, including dual diagnoses, with regards to eligibility for services as an individual with a serious mental illness.

BHAP is a supporter of this clarification: it helps to guarantee appropriate services for co-occurring disorder patients and gives the provider help in collecting the appropriate reimbursement from the state.

The House is currently on the second reading of this bill, and we encourage those in Arizona to reach out to Representative Carter to show your support.

Arizona HB 2406: Behavioral Health Board; Regulation; Repeal

Meanwhile, on January 17, 2018, Representative Paul Mosley introduced HB 2406. This bill, if passed, would repeal section 9-499.12 of the Arizona Revised Statutes.

BHAP supports this bill. It would help deregulate certain segments of Behavioral Health providers and better distinguish between professionals primarily working with behavioral health diagnoses and professionals primarily working with mental health diagnoses.

As professionals in a healthcare helping field, BHAP has an obligation to act with an ethical and moral foundation that places the patient's wellbeing first.

The House has read the bill a second time on January 22, and it is currently held in committee. BHAP encourages those in Arizona to reach out to Representative Mosley to show your support of the bill.


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