
Advocacy Alert: California: Support AB 2651 and SB 999

March 21, 2024


The California Consortium of Addiction Programs and Professionals (CCAPP) has asked its members to support Assembly Bill 2651 and Senate Bill 999.

AB 2651 will require the state to establish the Licensed Alcohol Drug Counselor Board to regulate, standardize, and license the alcohol and drug (AOD) profession. California is one of the few states in our nation that lacks licensure for AOD professionals. The lack of licensure not only puts California behind in advancing competency for the profession, it has also contributed to a significant constriction in this critical workforce.

In addition, AB 2651 will establish the Licensed Alcohol Drug Counselor Board at the Department of Consumer Affairs (DCA) to house the new AOD counselor license. This license will protect consumers and establish counselor competency by providing much needed title protection to AOD counselors.

Meanwhile, SB 999 establishes important utilization review requirements on health plans and disability insurers to ensure that Californians suffering from mental health and substance use disorders receive the medically necessary services they have been promised and deserve.

SB 999 will require that an individual or health care provider performing utilization review shall disclose the name and credentials of the individual or health care provider performing utilization review. This will ensure that consumers and addiction treatment programs can determine whether parity laws that require peer to peer discussions are actually being held between professionals with competence in substance use disorder treatment. This will lessen the likelihood that health plans and disability insurers will misuse utilization review to deny treatment and require step downs by applying placement criteria and treatment guidelines inappropriately.

If you are based in California, NBHAP highly encourages you to reach out to Assemblymember Jasmeet Bains for AB 2651 and Senator Dave Cortese for SB 999 to show your support as soon as possible. A reminder that NBHAP has a Find Your Rep tool that gives you contact information for elected officials at all levels.

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