
Advocacy Alert: DHCS Confirms Priority Vaccinations for SUD Counselors, Registrants, Staff

January 14, 2021


January 4, 2021

CCAPP is pleased to announce that advocacy to ensure that the SUD workforce is not forgotten in the vaccine priority schedule for California has been successful. On December 31, 2020, the Department announced the following:

Urgent announcements:

Vaccinations. We need to work quickly to protect our staff.

Healthcare workers – including MH and SUD providers and staff – are in the top priority, phase 1a, and should have access to vaccines now.

CDPH clarified that staff of all BH treatment programs are included in the top priority for vaccines:

  • Phase 1a, Tier 1: Staff of residential and inpatient SUD treatment and staff of residential and inpatient mental health facilities
  • Phase 1a, Tier 2: Staff of outpatient SUD treatment, mental health facilities, and crisis stabilization units

All staff in residential settings can be vaccinated immediately, while staff at outpatient facilities will be next in line.

Please access vaccinations by contacting local county health departments to determine locations and scheduling. Individual staff members may also access vaccinations through private insurance where vaccinations are available.

Vaccinations are at no cost to individuals and all staff members should be encouraged to take advantage of this life-saving vaccine.

"CCAPP encourages our professionals and programs to support California's vaccination program so that we can prevent constrictions in service to our clients caused by program closures where COVID-19 outbreaks are occurring," said CCAPP President and CEO Pete Nielsen.

"We have a rising surge in addiction cases coming in 2021, and we need every counselor and staff person available to 'flatten the curve' of overdose and suicide deaths in California."

Questions? Concerns?

As always, we want your input.

A reminder that BHAP members get regular access to our advocate in Washington, DC. If you have any questions about BHAP's advocacy efforts, please contact us.


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