
Advocacy Alert: Excellence in Recovery Housing Act

December 17, 2020


The Excellence in Recovery Housing Act (introduced by David Trone of Maryland) is legislation to recognize and provide support for quality recovery housing nationwide. This bill will amend title V of the Public Health Service Act to establish oversite of recovery housing at the federal level. This bill has six major points that will fall under the promotion of high-quality recovery housing throughout the nation.

The following points are what NARR views as most critical for recovery housing in this legislation:

  1. SAMHSA will work with national accrediting entities and recovery housing providers to publish guidelines and national standards for state to promote high-quality recovery housing.
  2. An inter-agency working group will be developed to increase the collaboration between SAMHSA and HUD to better promote high-quality recovery housing.
  3. The National Academy of Sciences (NAS) will produce a study on the availability of high-quality recovery housing that will provide recommendations for federal, state, and local policies as well as recommendations to increase and improve data collection on high-quality recovery housing.
  4. Grants will be established for states to promote high-quality recovery housing and partner with national accrediting groups and recovery housing providers.
  5. Appropriations will be made as follows: $1 million annually for six years for the interagency coordination of recovery housing activities, $1 million for the NAS study, and $10 million annually for five years for the grants to states.
  6. Defines "reputable providers and analysts of recovery housing services" as recovery housing providers and analysts who: use evidence-based approaches, act in accordance with SAMSHA guidelines, have not been found guilty of healthcare fraud, and have not been found to violate any codes of conduct for recovery housing.


BHAP has also endorsed this legislation. Here is a template letter (in MS Word) developed by NARR that we encourage you to send to your state's Representatives and Senators in support of the Excellence in Recovery Housing Act. A reminder that we have an easy tool for you to Find Your Reps.

Questions? Concerns?

As always, we want your input.

A reminder that BHAP members get regular access to our advocate in Washington, DC. If you have any questions about BHAP's advocacy efforts, please contact us.


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