
Advocacy Alert: Getting Involved in California (AB3055), Massachusetts (S2202), and Louisiana (HB690)

Sep 13, 2018

We at BHAP occasionally see legislation in the works that is connected to the behavioral health industry but we have a neutral stance on. When we have no official position, we encourage you to reach out to your representative and get involved.

Here are three state-level pieces of legislation that BHAP thinks you should get involved in:

CA AB3055: Licensing: Alcoholism or Drug Abuse Recovery or Treatment Facilities

On February 16, 2018, Assemblymember Matthew Harper introduced AB3055. The bill, if passed, would "state the intent of the Legislature to enact legislation related to alcoholism or drug abuse recovery or treatment facilities." The existing law provides for the licensure, certification, and regulation of alcoholism or drug abuse recovery or treatment facilities serving adults by the State Department of Health Care Services, as prescribed.

It was set to be heard in committee in March, but does not seem to have progressed.

For those that operate in California, we encourage you to reach out to Assemblymember Harper and get involved in a technical capacity, offering to give feedback and input into this measure.

For more information on the current laws governing treatment programs and sober living facilities in California, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions for the state.

MA S2202: Furthering Health Empowerment and Affordability

On November 2, 2017, Massachusetts S2211 was replaced by S2202. The bill, if passed, is an act that would further health empowerment and affordability by leveraging transformative healthcare. The health planning council would assemble 5 regional health policy councils in geographically diverse area, and each council would have up to 15 members. These councils would identify innovations in health care in the region, identify interventions, identify shortages of health care in the area, and facilitate implementations. There would also be a task force to make recommendations on health care measures, which one member should be a behavioral health provider.

The last action on the bill was November 10, 2017, where it was engrossed.

For those that operate in Massachusetts, we encourage you to reach out to your representative and make sure the board person from the behavioral health area has the industry's best interests in mind.

For more information on the current laws governing treatment programs and sober living facilities in Massachusetts, please visit our Frequently Asked Questions for the state.

LA HB690: Adoption of Administrative Rules Relative to Continuity of Patient Care

On May 22, 2017, Louisiana Representative Marcus Hunter introduced HB690. The bill, if passed, would require the adoption of administrative rules relative to continuity of patient care for certain publicly funded healthcare facilities and providers. Relative to our industry, the act would assist an enrollee receiving treatment for behavioral health conditions in transitioning to another provider when the enrollee's healthcare provider has terminated participation with the managed care organization.

This legislation was part of the prior session, and the last action was May 25, 2017, where the bill was read and returned to the calendar.

For those that operate in Louisiana, we encourage you to reach out to your representative with your input on this legislation.


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