This form is to for current CCAPP members to register for their NBHAP membership.
Your CCAPP membership is verified via Certemy: please make sure your information is updated there before completing. If this is a renewal, you will automatically be renewed if your information in Certemy is updated within a month of your expiration date. Please do NOT fill this form out to renew unless your information in Certemy has been updated. Please make sure that the company name and email matches what CCAPP has on file. You will automatically receive a free equivalent membership with NBHAP once your membership has been verified.
If the expiration date on your CCAPP membership is different than the one on your NBHAP membership, it will match your CCAPP membership expiration date.
You will need to be logged out when using this form. If registering more than one account, you will need to clear your computer cache to use the form a second time.
The system considers this a 'purchase', and you will receive an invoice for $0. This is just an administrative action and the email can be deleted.
Your email will also receive a second email with login information. Please whitelist in order to ensure you receive all our communications.
We cannot answer any questions about your CCAPP membership. You must reach out to CCAPP either via email or by calling 800-564-5927.
To see a list of NBHAP member benefits, go here.
If you have any questions or concerns about the NBHAP side of this membership offer, please contact us.