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Certified Alcohol and Drug Treatment Executive (CTE)

See the Career Steps for a CTE here.

aa white woman in a business suit in front of a table and a white board. Text on whiteboard reads 'Certified Treatment Executive'


  • Successful completion of the following executive/management level courses which may be offered by the National Behavioral Health Credentialing Board (NBHCB) or another NBHAP-approved provider:
    • Introduction to SUD Treatment and Management (4.5 hours)
    • Advocacy (4.5 hours)
    • Board Interactions (4.5 hours)
    • Fiscal Responsibility (4.5 hours)
    • Human Resources (4.5 hours)
    • Leadership (4.5 hours)
    • Policies and Adherence (4.5 hours)
    • Professional Conduct (4.5 hours)
  • Must have at least four years of management experience at a SUD treatment facility; candidate must provide a letter of verification of experience from supervisor.
  • Read, agree, sign, and return the CTE Code of Conduct
  • Read, agree, sign, and return the Consent to Release Information and the Statement of Understanding
  • Provide a copy of CTE Course Completion Certificate
  • Have a supervisor or equivalent complete and and confidentially submit the Recommendation and Evaluation Packet
  • Pay required fees:
    • $300 (NBHAP Member)
    • $500 (Non-Member price)


CTE Manual & Application

CTE Employer Assessment Form

CTE Renewal Application

Certemy/Online Application


A national membership association that provides education and advocacy for those in the behavioral health and addiction treatment industries.

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