
Webinar: Help Us Help You Get Paid: Ten Things You Can Start Doing Today to Improve Your Commercial Reimbursement Success

a laptop and notebooks, 'Help Us Help You Get Paid: Ten Things You Can Start Doing Today to Improve Your Commercial Reimbursement Success'
  • Date Recorded: April 21, 2020
  • Length: about an hour
  • Presenter: John A. Mills and Zachary Rothenberg
  • CE: NOT eligible for CE
  • Price: $0.00
    Access/Purchase Info

This presentation will provide a "Top Ten List" of concrete strategies, tools, and approaches that attendees can implement right away to maximize reimbursement for services rendered, whether to polish the books in anticipation of a transaction or simply to generate additional cash flow going forward. See the article written by the presenters on March 30, 2020, "Maximize Your Cashflow During COVID-19: Four Things You Can Do RIGHT NOW".

Session attendees will gain a broad understanding of common pitfalls and target areas of concern for addiction treatment and recovery providers in obtaining payment from commercial insurance companies. Session attendees also will be well-positioned to survive and even take advantage of the wave of denied and underpaid claims that are likely to result from the COVID-19 crisis.

The healthcare landscape is changing rapidly and addiction treatment and recovery providers that fail to develop a proper reimbursement roadmap will be at a severe disadvantage.

Key Takeaways

  • A practical "nuts and bolts" approach to commercial insurance reimbursement that will provide the tools and approaches for reimbursement success.
  • An improved ability to identify "low hanging fruit" within the broader orchard of commercial reimbursement A/R that can be collected more quickly and efficiently in order to present the best financial picture possible to a potential acquirer.
  • A more thorough understanding of the pros and cons of escalating a reimbursement dispute to an outside attorney, and when actually filing a lawsuit may be beneficial or necessary to obtain payment for services rendered.

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Behavioral Health Association of Providers is a national trade membership association that provides education and advocacy for behavioral healthcare providers and related entities. Formerly known as the American Addiction Treatment Association, BHAP is the leading and unifying voice of addiction-focused treatment programs.

Nelson Hardiman: healthcare lawyers

Nelson Hardiman is the largest healthcare specialty law firm in Los Angeles. Their attorneys represent health care providers, including hospitals, in California and throughout the U.S. Their team delivers on-target results to meet your needs in the complex arena of today’s healthcare laws and regulations.

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Counselor is is the magazine for addiction and behavioral health professionals. It’s a national peer-reviewed publication that blends the in-depth information often found in journals with the ease-of-read and style of a magazine. The magazine has a circulation of 40,000+ addiction treatment professionals. Counselor provides the vital components necessary to enhance or create a successful practice and to improve the lives of clients whom clinicians serve.


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John A. Mills

John A. Mills

John A. Mills is a partner at the healthcare law firm Nelson Hardiman.

John's regulatory compliance work focuses on key issues facing providers that could potentially impede their business operations. He advises clients on managed care and ERISA compliance, voluntary disclosures of possible Medicare over-payments, medical staff and peer review, analysis of business arrangements to ensure compliance with the anti-kickback and Stark laws, and provides regulatory guidance to covered entities and contract pharmacies in connection with the federal 340B program.

Zachary Rothenberg

Zachary Rothenberg

Zachary Rothenberg is a partner at Nelson Hardiman, LLC.

Zach has a breadth of knowledge in the behavioral health space. He advises drug rehabilitation facilities on land use, advocating for clients where administrative actions challenge zoning laws, attempting to prevent facilities from operating in their existing location. He litigates out-of-network and in-network reimbursement cases on behalf of addiction treatment facilities and responds to special investigation audits. He has also advised on labor and employment defense matters including those related to racial discrimination, wrongful termination, wage & hour disputes, and retaliation. Clients have come to rely on his insight regarding employee handbooks and labor code issues.

Webinar: Help Us Help You Get Paid: Ten Things You Can Start Doing Today to Improve Your Commercial Reimbursement Success

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Please remember that this webinar is for your own use: we request that you do not embed the video on a website or share with others.

Links of Note

The presentation mentioned the importance of documenting for medical necessity. Be sure to check out our webinar, "The Documentation of Medical Necessity: Why It Matters" -- available for sale for $50 (BHAP members get 15% off).

Additionally, the presenters mentioned the importance of having a good billing provider: one of BHAP's associate members is Prosperity Behavioral Health. They offer services and consulting related to revenue cycle management (billing, collections, UR, in-network contracting), back-office operations (AP, accounting), financial analysis & reporting, corporate strategy, and M&A.

Finally, Nelson Hardiman used a short version of this from Zachary Rothenberg as part of their "A View from Legal Street" series. Check out the 5 minute video here.


A national membership association that provides education and advocacy for those in the behavioral health and addiction treatment industries.

We are the leading and unifying voice of addiction-focused treatment programs.

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