
Webinar: When Luck Runs Out: Problem Gambling & Gambling Disorder

a light blue background. On the right side is a pile of four gambling chips. 'When Luck Runs Out: Problem Gambling & Gambling Disorder'

The "Substance-Related and Addictive Disorders" chapter in the DSM-5 includes Gambling Disorder as its sole behavioral addiction. For a segment of the population, gambling presents for the gambler and affected individuals a plethora of psychological and social adjustment problems. There is also evidence to suggest high comorbidity of gambling disorder with other psychiatric disorders—including substance use disorders.

However, gambling disorder still remains largely a hidden problem. The goal of this webinar is to train and prepare service providers to better understand gambling disorder and its assessment and treatment. The webinar will also touch on the emerging clinical diagnostic category of internet gaming disorder.

Continuing Education Information

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This webinar will provide 1.5 CEUs. For more general information about CEs, go here.

CEs will only be available free to those who attend the live webinar. Attendance will be monitored. If you register but do not attend, you can purchase CE access after the webinar is recorded. NBHAP members get it for free.

In order to complete the CE requirements, attendees must complete the online exam. Login access to NBHAP is free regardless of membership. Contact us if you don't have a login.


an Asian man with black hair and a sparse beard, wearing black glasses and a blue button up shirt. He is standing in front of a map of the world.

Michael Liao

Michael Liao is currently the Director of Programs for NICOS Chinese Health Coalition, a San Francisco-based public-private-community partnership of more than 30 health and human service organizations.

In the past 19 years, Michael has been providing problem gambling training and technical assistance to community-based organizations, professional groups, and governmental agencies throughout the state of California. He has also authored various problem gambling training curricula and academic articles. As a family member of a gambling addict, Michael is grateful for the opportunity to raise awareness about problem gambling.



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Monday - Friday
8:00 am - 4:30 pm Pacific
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