Nov 8, 2019 | Legal Reference Repository, Pennsylvania
Subject Matter: Substance use disorder treatment programs Jurisdiction: Pennsylvania Citations: 71 Pa. Stat. Ann. § 701.1 et seq. Summary: Pennsylvania regulations governing oversight and licensure of substance abuse treatment programs, including operational...
Nov 8, 2019 | Legal Reference Repository, Oregon
Subject Matter: Substance use disorder treatment programs Jurisdiction: Oregon Citations: Or. Admin. Rules Chapter 415; see also Or. Admin. Rules Chapter 309 (Certification of Behavioral Health Providers) and Or. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 430.256 (Alcohol and Drug Abuse...
Nov 8, 2019 | Legal Reference Repository, Oklahoma
Subject Matter: Substance use disorder counselors Jurisdiction: Oklahoma Citations: Okla. Stat. Ann. tit. 59, § 1871 et seq. Summary: Oklahoma laws governing licensed alcohol and drug counselors, including the application, requirements, examination, and required...
Nov 8, 2019 | Legal Reference Repository, Ohio
Subject Matter: Substance use disorder counselors Jurisdiction: Ohio Citations: Ohio Rev. Code Ann. § 4758.01 et seq. Summary: Ohio laws governing chemical dependency professionals and counselors, including licensure related requirements.
Nov 8, 2019 | Legal Reference Repository, Ohio
Subject Matter: Substance use disorder treatment programs Jurisdiction: Ohio Citations: OH Admin. Code § 5122-24-01 et seq. (Certification of Addiction Services Providers); OH Admin. Code § 5122-30-01 et seq. (Licensure of Residential Facilities); and OH Admin. Code §...