
Legal Repository

Need to know a basic summary of some of the federal and state legal statutes surrounding behavioral health? Whether it's the Americans with Disabilities Act, HIPAA, regulations for sober living, or more, NBHAP has you covered. Our Legal Repository (only for NBHAP members) gets you the basics on these statutes.

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Wyoming Laws Related to Chemical Dependency Specialists

Subject Matter: Substance use disorder counselors Jurisdiction: Wyoming Citations: Wyo. Stat. Ann. § 33-38-102 et seq. Summary: Wyoming laws relating to the licensure of chemical dependency specialists and addictions therapists, among other types of professional...

Washington Laws Related Substance Use Disorder Treatment Programs

Subject Matter: Substance use disorder treatment programs Jurisdiction: Washington Citations: Wash. Admin. Code Chapter 388-877 (including Section 7 regarding outpatient services, Section 10 regarding opioid treatment programs, and Section 11 regarding withdrawal...

Vermont Laws Related to Alcohol and Drug Counselors

Subject Matter: Substance use disorder counselors Jurisdiction: Vermont Citations: Vt. Stat. Ann. tit. 26, § 3231 et seq. Summary: Vermont laws governing the licensure and eligibility of alcohol and drug counselors by the Office of Professional Regulation.

Utah Substance Use Disorder Counselor Act

Subject Matter: Substance use disorder counselors Jurisdiction: Utah Citations: Utah Code Ann. § 58-60-501 et seq. Summary: Utah laws governing the licensure and qualifications of substance use disorder counselors.

Wyoming Rules Related to Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs

Subject Matter: Substance use disorder treatment programs Jurisdiction: Wyoming Citations: Wyo. Admin. Rules: Rules and Regulations for Substance Abuse Treatment Standards, Chapters 1-8 Summary: Wyoming rules from the Department of Health, Substance Use Disorder...

Wisconsin Laws Related to Substance Abuse Counselors

Subject Matter: Substance use disorder counselors Jurisdiction: Wisconsin Citations: Wis. Stat. Ann. § 440.88 et seq. Summary: Wisconsin laws governing the licensure of substance abuse counselors, clinical supervisors, and prevention specialists.

Washington Laws Related to Opioid Use Disorder Treatment

Subject Matter: Opioid treatment programs Jurisdiction: Washington Citations: Wash. Rev. Code Ann. § 71.24.585 et seq. Summary: Washington laws governing opioid treatment programs, including medication-assisted treatment. Opioid treatment programs are also subject to...

Virginia Regulations Related to Substance Abuse Counselors

Subject Matter: Substance use disorder counselors Jurisdiction: Virginia Citations: 18 Va. Admin. Code 115-30-10 et seq. Summary: Virginia regulations governing the certification of substance abuse counselors and substance abuse counseling assistants.

Vermont Rules Related to Alcohol and Drug Abuse Programs

Subject Matter: Substance use disorder treatment programs Jurisdiction: Vermont Citations: Substance Abuse Treatment Certification Rule, Chapter 8, Subchapter 4; see also Subchapter 6 (Rules Governing Medication-Assisted Therapy) Summary: Vermont rules from the...

Texas Laws Related to Confidentiality of Mental Health Records

Subject Matter: Confidentiality requirements Jurisdiction: Texas Citations: Tex. Health and Safety Code Tit. 7, § 611.001 et seq.; see also Tex. Admin. Code Tit. 25, § 448.210 (Confidentiality Standards, as applicable to all providers licensed by the Department of...


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