CE Provider Application 'written' on a chalkboard

Article II: Provider Categories, Fees, Application Process

Full Provider: Approval is granted for a two-year period. The provider is entitled to sponsor unlimited continuing education during this time, pursuant to the regulations stated herein. The provider approval expires two years from the date of initial approval. Packages and fee structure is as follows:

  • Non-Program Member/Supportive Business: 2-year provider status $450.00
  • Valid NBHAP Supportive Business: 2-year provider status $350 includes (10% off one Conference Registration fee)
  • Valid NBHAP Member: 2-year provider status $300 (30% off Conference Registration &15% off exhibit fees)

One-Time Use Provider: Approval is granted for one event per calendar year, pursuant to the regulations stated herein. Said event is limited to one week (40 continuing education hours) during that calendar year. Failure to follow provider guidelines can result in refusal to approve future provider applications and/or renewals. Packages and fee structure is as follows:

The provider must submit an application to NBHAP approval at least four (4) weeks prior to the date the first course is to begin.

  • Initial Provider Approval: To become an NBHAP approved continuing education provider for our addiction professionals:
    • Read Provider Instructions
    • Complete Application and check the APPROVAL box.
    • Send mandatory flyers/course brochures and outlines to NBHAP office within the time mentioned.
  • Renewal of Provider Number: To renew Provider number with NO break in service:
    • Review Provider Instructions
    • Complete Application and check the RENEWAL box.
    • Send any documents (outlined above) to NBHAP office within the time mentioned.

Written notice of provider approval/renewal will be sent by NBHAP indicating the period for which approval is granted and the provider number.

As a courtesy to providers, a renewal notice will be sent to the address of record prior to expiration date of the provider number. Failure to renew a renewal notice does not relieve the provider of the responsibility to renew the provider number.

A provider number is non-transferable and non-shareable. This means providers may not “contract” out their approval number. Providers may not share with another agency organization or partner with another to use the same number. Providers who are hosting a co-sponsored event must be one of the event presenters. Only one of the provider numbers is needed for co-sponsored events. Co-sponsored events are the exception, not the rule; therefore hosting only co-sponsored events with one number is not allowable. Providers may not contract with CE agencies who buy a provider number and then provide it to multiple agencies/organizations or the like.


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