CE Provider Application 'written' on a chalkboard

Article VI: Site Visits/Audits

NBHAP may audit records, courses, instructors and related activities of a provider to monitor compliance with the regulations. An NBHAP representative will make periodic site visits to approved providers.

At a mutually acceptable time and date, the auditor will look at required records as well as review the provider's assessment of the certified alcohol/drug counselor's educational requirements relevant to community needs. In addition, courses will be audited from time to time, and the audit will be unannounced. These audits may be performed off-site and provider will be required to provide materials as outlined in the audit letter. Providers of Independent/Home Study Courses may be required to submit all course materials for audit by NBHAP.

Failure to comply with audits will result in immediate revocation of approval; no refunds will be made. Providers have 30 days to provide requested information, failure to meet deadline will result in immediate revocation of approval, and no refunds will be made. Additionally, NBHAP reserves the right to deny, revoke or suspend approval based on noncompliance or non-responsiveness of the provider.


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