CE Provider Application 'written' on a chalkboard

Article VIII: Continuing Education Course Criteria

  • The content of all courses on continuing education must be relevant to alcohol/drug counseling, and must be related to the scientific knowledge or technical skills required for alcohol/drug counseling, or be related to direct and/or indirect patient/client care.
  • Courses leading to basic (initial) counselor training are not acceptable as continuing educational courses.
  • Providers may be required to demonstrate, by the description of the course, the statement of objectives and outline of the content, how the course relates to alcohol/drug counseling and treatment. Courses must be in one of the following areas:
    • Theoretical content related to scientific knowledge for practicing in the field of alcohol/drug counseling.
    • Content related to the application of scientific knowledge in the field of alcohol/drug counseling.
    • Content related to direct patient/client care.
    • Content related to indirect patient/client care.
  • Courses in administration, management education, research or other functional areas of alcohol/drug counseling relating to indirect patient/client contact may be acceptable.
  • Courses which deal with self-improvement, changes in attitude, financial gain, and those designed for lay people are not acceptable.
  • Examples of unacceptable course offerings would include the following:
    • Courses which focus on self-improvement, growth, changes in attitudes, self-therapy, and selfawareness.
    • Parenting or other programs that are designed for lay people.
    • Liberal arts courses in music, art, philosophy, and others unrelated to the alcohol/drug counseling profession.
    • Orientation programs, meaning, a specific series of activities designed to familiarize employees with the policies and procedures of an institution.


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