
Webinars for Sale

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These webinars are in order of when recorded, with the most recent first. If you are a NBHAP member, be sure to make sure you are logged in to see your discounted price!

Webinar: Buddhism and 12 Steps: Part 4 — Joy & Equanimity

Webinar: Buddhism and 12 Steps: Part 4 — Joy & Equanimity

  • Date Recorded: May 5, 2021
  • Presenters: Chris McDuffie
  • CE: eligible for 1 CE
  • Price: $50.00 (Members receive discount)

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Buddhism and the 12 Step programs are two powerful spiritual pathways that help end suffering. Practicing spirituality is critical for those in recovery from co-occurring disorders. Part 4 informs counselors and therapists how to use both sets of teachings to help their clients manage greed, ill will, and lack of insight.

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Webinar: Overcoming Stress & Anxiety

Webinar: Overcoming Stress & Anxiety

  • Date Recorded: April 13, 2021
  • Presenters: Dr. Gregory Williams
  • CE: eligible for 1 CE
  • Price: $50.00 (Members receive discount)

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Stress and anxiety have been intensified over the past year to the highest level in our society and everyone needs a break to realize what is happening in our bodies. This workshop will present an overview of stress and anxiety, how to recognize it coming on, and how to overcome it before it takes control of you.

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Webinar: Revenue Cycle Management Demystified

Webinar: Revenue Cycle Management Demystified

  • Date Recorded: March 24, 2021
  • Presenters: Peter Walstrom
  • CE: this webinar is not eligible for CEUs
  • Price: free

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Challenge your assumptions about your own billing. This webinar gives you the tools to better understand, evaluate, and manage your revenue cycle, especially the portion paid by medical insurance. This includes an overall understanding of the third-party payor system, a detailed view into the revenue cycle process, including in-house and outsourced scenarios.

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Webinar: Buddhism and 12 Steps: Part 3 — Compassion

Webinar: Buddhism and 12 Steps: Part 3 — Compassion

  • Date Recorded: March 3, 2021
  • Presenters: Chris McDuffie
  • CE: this webinar is eligible for 1 CEs
  • Price: $50.00 (Members receive discount)

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Buddhism and the 12 Step programs are two powerful spiritual pathways that help end suffering. Practicing spirituality is critical for those in recovery from co-occurring disorders. Part 3 will help inform counselors and therapist how to use both sets of teachings to help their clients.

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Webinar: Advocacy in 2021: Something Old, Something New

Webinar: Advocacy in 2021: Something Old, Something New

  • Date Recorded: February 2, 2021
  • Presenters: Andrew Kessler
  • CE: eligible for 1 CE
  • Price: free (CE access is $25, and free to BHAP members)

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A new White House administration and a narrowly (yet sharply) divided Congress will make for new opportunities in Washington, but also present challenges. This webinar will examine the top priorities for SUD prevention, treatment, and recovery advocacy, while explaining what our expectations for progress should be.

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Webinar: LGBT Persons & Substance Use Disorders: Special Considerations for Treatment Providers

Webinar: LGBT Persons & Substance Use Disorders: Special Considerations for Treatment Providers

  • Date Recorded: January 25, 2021
  • Presenters: Dr. Patrick Lockwood
  • CE: eligible for 1 CE
  • Price: $50.00 (Members receive discount)

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This one-hour event gives practitioners and treatment professionals an up-to-date understanding of the special challenges faced by LGBT persons with substance use disorders (SUDs). First, we will explore the data on substance use disorders (SUDS) in the LGBT community. Second, we will discuss specific cultural/stressor issues associated with the community. Finally, a brief overview of evidence-based treatments for LGBT persons with SUDs.

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Webinar: Successfully Managing A Remote Workforce

Webinar: Successfully Managing A Remote Workforce

  • Date Recorded: August 26, 2020
  • Presenters: Ashley Loeb Blassingame
  • Price: free

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This webinar addresses and give recommendations surrounding best practices to help successfully manage a workforce that has moved from in-office to remote work due to the recent business model changes set into motion by the recent pandemic. Attendees will gain a deeper knowledge of how to make simple, yet significant shifts in their team’s workday structure to achieve greater success in communication, engagement, and output.

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Webinar: The Impact of Toxic Stress

Webinar: The Impact of Toxic Stress

  • Date Recorded: July 22, 2020
  • Presenters: Dr. Gregory Williams
  • CE: eligible for 1 CE
  • Price: $50.00 (Members receive discount)

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This webinar gives an in-depth look at toxic stress and Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACES) and the research that has been done. The research shows the impact of toxic stress on the development of the brain in children and how to build resiliency in children to help overcome that trauma.

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Webinar: The New Normal: Avoiding Trouble in Addiction Treatment and Behavioral Health Marketing

Webinar: The New Normal: Avoiding Trouble in Addiction Treatment and Behavioral Health Marketing

  • Date Recorded: July 9, 2020
  • Presenters: Harry Nelson
  • Price: $50.00 (Members receive 15% discount)

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As enforcement of new federal and state laws continues to expand alongside payor efforts to combat abusive practices, a “New Normal” is emerging in addiction treatment and behavioral health. This webinar will focus on how marketing enforcement continues to evolve, including examples of recent local, state, and federal investigative practices and prosecution.

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Webinar: Buddhism and 12 Steps: Part 2 — Spirituality

Webinar: Buddhism and 12 Steps: Part 2 — Spirituality

  • Date Recorded: June 24, 2020
  • Presenters: Chris McDuffie
  • CE: eligible for 1 CE
  • Price: $50.00 (Members receive discount)

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Buddhism and the 12 Step programs are two powerful spiritual pathways that help end suffering. Practicing spirituality is critical for those in recovery from co-occurring disorders. In Part II, we continue on the synergistic commonalities between these two powerful pathways for recovery and relapse prevention.

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Webinar: Preparing to Sell Your Business: Compliance Issues That Will Affect Your Value

Webinar: Preparing to Sell Your Business: Compliance Issues That Will Affect Your Value

  • Date Recorded: June 10, 2020
  • Presenters: Nick Merkin
  • Price: free

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Whether you’re a buyer or seller of an addiction treatment organization, the effectiveness of your compliance infrastructure will be a major driver of the price of the transaction. Join us to learn more about some of the unique features of the behavioral health M&A world and how to approach some of the healthcare-specific focus areas that underlie these deals. Learn practical approaches to compliance elements that will drive value pre- and post-closing.

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Webinar: Establishing A Culture of Data Driven Decisions

Webinar: Establishing A Culture of Data Driven Decisions

  • Date Recorded: May 19, 2020
  • Presenters: Derek Daley and Kristen Francom
  • Price: free

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Learn how to successfully create an environment of gathering outcome data within your program. Derek Daley, founder of Legacy Outdoor Adventure and Juniper Canyon Recovery Center for Women, has successfully been gathering outcomes data for his programs for over eight years. Kristen Francom represents OutcomeTools from BestNotes. OutcomeTools has pioneered tracking outcomes for behavioral health and addiction treatment programs for the last 15 years.

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Webinar: The Uninvited Guests — Trauma, Mental Health and Addiction

Webinar: The Uninvited Guests — Trauma, Mental Health and Addiction

  • Date Recorded: May 13, 2020
  • Presenter: Dr. Louise Stanger
  • Price: $50.00 (Members receive 15% discount)

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This webinar describes and demonstrates through case study the interrelatedness of trauma, substance abuse, and mental health. Together, we will explore resiliency as a personal act of defiance, emotional elasticity and recovery as keystones to recovery. Evidence based treatment options will be given as ways to mend the wounded heart.

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Webinar: Help Us Help You Get Paid: Ten Things You Can Start Doing Today to Improve Your Commercial Reimbursement Success

Webinar: Help Us Help You Get Paid: Ten Things You Can Start Doing Today to Improve Your Commercial Reimbursement Success

  • Date Recorded: April 21, 2020
  • Presenters: John A. Mills and Zachary Rothenberg
  • Price: free

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This presentation provides a “Top Ten List” of concrete strategies, tools, and approaches that attendees can implement right away to maximize reimbursement for services rendered, whether to polish the books in anticipation of a transaction or simply to generate additional cash flow going forward.

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Webinar: Providing Trauma Sensitive Affirmative Services for LGBTQ Survivors of Sexual Assault

Webinar: Providing Trauma Sensitive Affirmative Services for LGBTQ Survivors of Sexual Assault

  • Date Recorded: April 2, 2020
  • Presenter: Philip T. McCabe
  • Price: $50.00 (Members receive 15% discount)

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April is Sexual Assault Awareness Month, and LGBTQ people are at a greater risk for sexual assault. This webinar will educate on various aspects of interpersonal violence along with other awareness of other cultural aspects including but not limited to race, ethnicity, religion, abilities, socio-economics, sexual orientation, gender expression and gender identity.

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Webinar: COVID-19 Relief Package and its Impact on Behavioral Health

Webinar: COVID-19 Relief Package and its Impact on Behavioral Health

  • Date Recorded: April 1, 2020
  • Presenter: Andrew Kessler
  • Price: free

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The most recent legislation aimed at relief for the American economy due to the impact of COVID 19 was a complex piece of legislation that will allocate $2.2 trillion to individuals, corporations, and government agencies. This webinar examines the impact on behavioral health services, the mechanisms for relief, and whether future legislation will be developed.

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