Symposia on Addictive Disorders
As more and more Americans are seeking treatment for addiction, trauma, and other mental health disorders, treatment professionals are faced with unique challenges. You need advanced education on the latest, most effective strategies to help you improve the lives of those you treat. The Symposia on Addictive Disorders are the nation's premier source for advanced addiction treatment and behavioral health education. Coast to coast, you'll find yourself among thousands of like-minded professionals, networking and learning from field experts.
Choose from three opportunities to connect, collaborate, and improve treatment outcomes. Save the dates that best fit your schedule, choose your destination, and join thousands of passionate addiction treatment professionals like yourself for an education-packed experience, featuring countless networking opportunities and sessions on the topics that matter to you most.
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For more information about Symposia on Addictive Disorders, you can contact them via:
- website: symposiaonaddictivedisorders.com
A national membership association that provides education and advocacy for those in the behavioral health and addiction treatment industries.
We are the leading and unifying voice of addiction-focused treatment programs.